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A “Keyra Cares Pageant”.
Please bring non-perishable items!! A “Special Prize” for whoever brings the most!!
Baby Miss 0-11 Months Old
Wee Miss 12-23 Months Old
Tiny Miss 2-3 Years Old
Toddler Miss 4-6 Years Old
Little Miss 7-9 Years Old
Pre-Teen 10-12 Years Old
Teen Queen 13-15 Years Old
Queen 16-18 Years Old
Up-Ms. Autumn Queen
“Crowd Pleaser”
Miss Photogenic
A percentage of “Keyra Cares”
“Miss Harvest Pageant” funds will go to a person with stage 4 cancer.
“Keyra Cares” is a platform that Keyra Fisher started when she was 9 years old.
Her platform is about
“Giving Back” to Grant County and surrounding counties.
Keyra wants to thank everyone who supports “Keyra Cares”!!